<App />
使用 StrictMode
import { StrictMode } from 'react';
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
const root = createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
<App />
- 组件将 额外重新渲染一次 以查找由于非纯渲染而引起的错误。
- 组件将 额外重新运行一次 Effect 以查找由于缺少 Effect 清理而引起的错误。
- 组件将 额外重新运行一次 refs 回调 以查找由于缺少 ref 清理函数而引起的错误。
- 组件将被 检查是否使用了已弃用的 API。
- 在由
严格模式为 <StrictMode>
如果要为整个应用启用严格模式,请在渲染根组件时使用 <StrictMode>
import { StrictMode } from 'react';
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
const root = createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
<App />
我们建议将整个应用程序包裹在严格模式中,特别是对于新创建的应用程序。如果你使用的是一个调用 createRoot
尽管严格模式的检查 仅在开发环境 下运行,但它们有助于找出已经存在于代码中但在生产环境中可能难以复现的错误。严格模式让你在用户反馈之前就可以修复这些错误。
import { StrictMode } from 'react';
function App() {
return (
<Header />
<Sidebar />
<Content />
<Footer />
在这个例子中,严格模式的检查不会对 Header
和 Footer
组件运行。然而,它们会在 Sidebar
和 Content
React 假设编写的每个组件都是纯函数。这意味着编写的 React 组件在给定相同的输入(props、state 和 context)时必须始终返回相同的 JSX。
违反此规则的组件会表现得不可预测,并引发错误。为了帮助你找到意外的非纯函数代码,严格模式 在开发环境中会调用一些函数两次(仅限应为纯函数的函数)。这些函数包括:
- 组件函数体(仅限顶层逻辑,不包括事件处理程序内的代码)
- 传递给
的函数。 - 部分类组件的方法,例如
下面的 StoryTray
组件接收一个 stories
export default function StoryTray({ stories }) { const items = stories; items.push({ id: 'create', label: '创建故事' }); return ( <ul> {items.map(story => ( <li key={story.id}> {story.label} </li> ))} </ul> ); }
如果 StoryTray
组件重新渲染多次,这个错误将变得更加明显。例如,当鼠标悬停在 StoryTray
import { useState } from 'react'; export default function StoryTray({ stories }) { const [isHover, setIsHover] = useState(false); const items = stories; items.push({ id: 'create', label: '创建故事' }); return ( <ul onPointerEnter={() => setIsHover(true)} onPointerLeave={() => setIsHover(false)} style={{ backgroundColor: isHover ? '#ddd' : '#fff' }} > {items.map(story => ( <li key={story.id}> {story.label} </li> ))} </ul> ); }
注意,每次在 StoryTray
直接修改了传入的 stories
数组。每次 StoryTray
export default function StoryTray({ stories }) {
const items = stories.slice(); // 复制数组
// ✅ 正确的:在新数组上进行修改
items.push({ id: 'create', label: 'Create Story' });
这样做会 使 StoryTray
在原始的例子中,这个错误并不明显。现在让我们将原始有错误的代码包裹在 <StrictMode>
export default function StoryTray({ stories }) { const items = stories; items.push({ id: 'create', label: '创建故事' }); return ( <ul> {items.map(story => ( <li key={story.id}> {story.label} </li> ))} </ul> ); }
import { useState } from 'react'; export default function StoryTray({ stories }) { const [isHover, setIsHover] = useState(false); const items = stories.slice(); // 复制数组 items.push({ id: 'create', label: '创建故事' }); return ( <ul onPointerEnter={() => setIsHover(true)} onPointerLeave={() => setIsHover(false)} style={{ backgroundColor: isHover ? '#ddd' : '#fff' }} > {items.map(story => ( <li key={story.id}> {story.label} </li> ))} </ul> ); }
修复在开发中通过重新运行 Effect 发现的错误
严格模式也可以帮助发现 Effect 中的错误。
每个 Effect 都有一些 setup 和可能的 cleanup 函数。通常情况下,当组件挂载时,React 会调用 setup 代码;当组件卸载时,React 会调用 cleanup 代码。如果依赖关系在上一次渲染之后发生了变化,React 将再次调用 setup 代码和 cleanup 代码。
当开启严格模式时,React 还会在开发模式下为每个 Effect 额外运行一次 setup 和 cleanup 函数。这可能会让人感到惊讶,但它有助于发现手动难以捕捉到的细微错误。
下面是一个例子,用来说明在严格模式下重新运行 Effects 如何帮助你早期发现错误。
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client'; import './styles.css'; import App from './App'; const root = createRoot(document.getElementById("root")); root.render(<App />);
不是硬编码的,而是用户可以从下拉菜单中选择要连接的 roomId
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client'; import './styles.css'; import App from './App'; const root = createRoot(document.getElementById("root")); root.render(<App />);
你会注意到打开的连接数量一直在增加。在真实的应用程序中,这会导致性能和网络问题。问题出在 你的 Effect 缺少 cleanup 函数:
useEffect(() => {
const connection = createConnection(serverUrl, roomId);
return () => connection.disconnect();
}, [roomId]);
现在你的 Effect 在自身执行清理并销毁过时的连接后,问题被解决了。但是请注意,在添加了更多功能(下拉框)之前,这个问题很难被发现。
在原始的例子中,这个错误并不明显。现在让我们将原始有错误的代码包裹在 <StrictMode>
import { StrictMode } from 'react'; import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client'; import './styles.css'; import App from './App'; const root = createRoot(document.getElementById("root")); root.render( <StrictMode> <App /> </StrictMode> );
在严格模式下,你立即就能看到存在问题(活跃连接的数量增加到了2个)。严格模式会为每个 Effect 运行额外一次 setup + cleanup。这个 Effect 没有 cleanup 逻辑,所以它创建了一个额外的连接但没有销毁它。这是一个提示,你可能忘记了添加清理函数。
严格模式让你能够在开发过程的早期就发现这样的错误。当你在严格模式下通过添加清理函数来修复你的 Effect 时,你也同时修复了许多可能在未来的生产环境中出现的错误,比如之前的下拉框问题。
import { StrictMode } from 'react'; import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client'; import './styles.css'; import App from './App'; const root = createRoot(document.getElementById("root")); root.render( <StrictMode> <App /> </StrictMode> );
在没有严格模式的情况下,很容易忽视你的 Effect 需要进行清理的情况。通过在开发中运行 setup → cleanup → setup,而不是仅运行 setup,严格模式使你更容易发现遗漏的 cleanup 逻辑。
Fixing bugs found by re-running ref callbacks in development
Strict Mode can also help find bugs in callbacks refs.
Every callback ref
has some setup code and may have some cleanup code. Normally, React calls setup when the element is created (is added to the DOM) and calls cleanup when the element is removed (is removed from the DOM).
When Strict Mode is on, React will also run one extra setup+cleanup cycle in development for every callback ref
. This may feel surprising, but it helps reveal subtle bugs that are hard to catch manually.
Consider this example, which allows you to select an animal and then scroll to one of them. Notice when you switch from “Cats” to “Dogs”, the console logs show that the number of animals in the list keeps growing, and the “Scroll to” buttons stop working:
import { useRef, useState } from "react"; export default function AnimalFriends() { const itemsRef = useRef([]); const [animalList, setAnimalList] = useState(setupAnimalList); const [animal, setAnimal] = useState('cat'); function scrollToAnimal(index) { const list = itemsRef.current; const {node} = list[index]; node.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "nearest", inline: "center", }); } const animals = animalList.filter(a => a.type === animal) return ( <> <nav> <button onClick={() => setAnimal('cat')}>Cats</button> <button onClick={() => setAnimal('dog')}>Dogs</button> </nav> <hr /> <nav> <span>Scroll to:</span>{animals.map((animal, index) => ( <button key={animal.src} onClick={() => scrollToAnimal(index)}> {index} </button> ))} </nav> <div> <ul> {animals.map((animal) => ( <li key={animal.src} ref={(node) => { const list = itemsRef.current; const item = {animal: animal, node}; list.push(item); console.log(`✅ Adding animal to the map. Total animals: ${list.length}`); if (list.length > 10) { console.log('❌ Too many animals in the list!'); } return () => { // 🚩 No cleanup, this is a bug! } }} > <img src={animal.src} /> </li> ))} </ul> </div> </> ); } function setupAnimalList() { const animalList = []; for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { animalList.push({type: 'cat', src: "https://loremflickr.com/320/240/cat?lock=" + i}); } for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { animalList.push({type: 'dog', src: "https://loremflickr.com/320/240/dog?lock=" + i}); } return animalList; }
This is a production bug! Since the ref callback doesn’t remove animals from the list in the cleanup, the list of animals keeps growing. This is a memory leak that can cause performance problems in a real app, and breaks the behavior of the app.
The issue is the ref callback doesn’t cleanup after itself:
ref={node => {
const list = itemsRef.current;
const item = {animal, node};
return () => {
// 🚩 No cleanup, this is a bug!
Now let’s wrap the original (buggy) code in <StrictMode>
import { useRef, useState } from "react"; export default function AnimalFriends() { const itemsRef = useRef([]); const [animalList, setAnimalList] = useState(setupAnimalList); const [animal, setAnimal] = useState('cat'); function scrollToAnimal(index) { const list = itemsRef.current; const {node} = list[index]; node.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "nearest", inline: "center", }); } const animals = animalList.filter(a => a.type === animal) return ( <> <nav> <button onClick={() => setAnimal('cat')}>Cats</button> <button onClick={() => setAnimal('dog')}>Dogs</button> </nav> <hr /> <nav> <span>Scroll to:</span>{animals.map((animal, index) => ( <button key={animal.src} onClick={() => scrollToAnimal(index)}> {index} </button> ))} </nav> <div> <ul> {animals.map((animal) => ( <li key={animal.src} ref={(node) => { const list = itemsRef.current; const item = {animal: animal, node} list.push(item); console.log(`✅ Adding animal to the map. Total animals: ${list.length}`); if (list.length > 10) { console.log('❌ Too many animals in the list!'); } return () => { // 🚩 No cleanup, this is a bug! } }} > <img src={animal.src} /> </li> ))} </ul> </div> </> ); } function setupAnimalList() { const animalList = []; for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { animalList.push({type: 'cat', src: "https://loremflickr.com/320/240/cat?lock=" + i}); } for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { animalList.push({type: 'dog', src: "https://loremflickr.com/320/240/dog?lock=" + i}); } return animalList; }
With Strict Mode, you immediately see that there is a problem. Strict Mode runs an extra setup+cleanup cycle for every callback ref. This callback ref has no cleanup logic, so it adds refs but doesn’t remove them. This is a hint that you’re missing a cleanup function.
Strict Mode lets you eagerly find mistakes in callback refs. When you fix your callback by adding a cleanup function in Strict Mode, you also fix many possible future production bugs like the “Scroll to” bug from before:
import { useRef, useState } from "react"; export default function AnimalFriends() { const itemsRef = useRef([]); const [animalList, setAnimalList] = useState(setupAnimalList); const [animal, setAnimal] = useState('cat'); function scrollToAnimal(index) { const list = itemsRef.current; const {node} = list[index]; node.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "nearest", inline: "center", }); } const animals = animalList.filter(a => a.type === animal) return ( <> <nav> <button onClick={() => setAnimal('cat')}>Cats</button> <button onClick={() => setAnimal('dog')}>Dogs</button> </nav> <hr /> <nav> <span>Scroll to:</span>{animals.map((animal, index) => ( <button key={animal.src} onClick={() => scrollToAnimal(index)}> {index} </button> ))} </nav> <div> <ul> {animals.map((animal) => ( <li key={animal.src} ref={(node) => { const list = itemsRef.current; const item = {animal, node}; list.push({animal: animal, node}); console.log(`✅ Adding animal to the map. Total animals: ${list.length}`); if (list.length > 10) { console.log('❌ Too many animals in the list!'); } return () => { list.splice(list.indexOf(item)); console.log(`❌ Removing animal from the map. Total animals: ${itemsRef.current.length}`); } }} > <img src={animal.src} /> </li> ))} </ul> </div> </> ); } function setupAnimalList() { const animalList = []; for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { animalList.push({type: 'cat', src: "https://loremflickr.com/320/240/cat?lock=" + i}); } for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { animalList.push({type: 'dog', src: "https://loremflickr.com/320/240/dog?lock=" + i}); } return animalList; }
Now on inital mount in StrictMode, the ref callbacks are all setup, cleaned up, and setup again:
✅ Adding animal to the map. Total animals: 10
❌ Removing animal from the map. Total animals: 0
✅ Adding animal to the map. Total animals: 10
This is expected. Strict Mode confirms that the ref callbacks are cleaned up correctly, so the size never grows above the expected amount. After the fix, there are no memory leaks, and all the features work as expected.
Without Strict Mode, it was easy to miss the bug until you clicked around to app to notice broken features. Strict Mode made the bugs appear right away, before you push them to production.
React 会在任何一个位于 <StrictMode>
树中的组件使用以下弃用 API 时发出警告:
这些 API 主要用于旧版的 类式组件,因此在新版程序中很少出现。